Blockchain & Digital Assets

Blockchain & Digital Assets

Digital assets and currencies are at the center of several trends reshaping the investment landscape. We invest in great projects and companies building world-class software and tools on blockchain technology.

Maxin Digital Asset Fund

  • Maxin Digital Asset Fund I is our dedicated strategy for investing in crypto networks and blockchain-enabled companies.

    Blockchain and digital assets are transformational technologies, with massive growth potential. Our goal is to provide the best possible exposure to this sector at minimal operational risk and cost.

    We take a deep research-driven approach and apply both a crypto native and traditional VC lens to the sector.

  • Our strategy provides exposure to the most important sectors in digital assets, while diversification reduces the risk of concentrating on one asset.

  • Our digital assets are stored using industry leading agencies and requires multiple parties to authorize transactions. This provides the maximum level of security available in the digital asset space, while allowing us to stay in control of the assets at all times.